Through a scientific journey on selfand others awareness, and the discovery of communication “must-have ways” according to individual personality types, the training “Self-awareness and communication for positiveleadership” is oriented to awake the positiveleader each individual have inside.

By doing so, we excel as individualsand we focus on helping others inside our spheres of influence to also becomepositive leaders.

Tools and methodologies applied:

  • IPIP-NEO assessmenttool based on FFM (Five Factor Model).
  • Emotional Intelligence assessment tool designed to measure individual traits emotional intelligencesuch us as self-awareness, ability to managing emotions, motivation, empathyand social skills.
  • DISC personality assessment tool designed to measure 4 main types of personality as: Dominant,Influence, Steadiness and Consciousness.

For Couples

Benefits of the training

1. Increased self-awareness leading to the empowerment of self-confidence, self-esteem and motivation for self- improvement through:

  • Greater understanding of individual character and temparament.
  • Self-discovery and recognition of individual strenghts and weaknesses
  • Self-discovery of indivual personality type and subtypes

2. Increased positive self-management through:

  • Better understanding our individual rates of emotional intelligence
  • Practical and individualised typs to improve emotional intelligence
  • Practial and individualized tips to boost the strenghs and balance the weakneses of individual personality types.

3. Increased positive leadership skills oriented to:

  • Improve understanding of each other personality type ensuring better levels of emphathy and mutual recognition.
  • Improve communication dynamics between the couple.
  • Improve understanding of each other‘s drivers ensuring better tips and tools to motivate each other and help each other to develop and grow.
  • Improve the feeling of unity and the motivation and responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the couple, stronger love over the years and healthy daily couple dynamics.

For Families

Benefits of the training

1. Increased self-awareness leading to the empowerment of self-confidence, self-esteem and motivation for self- improvement through:

  • Greater understanding of individual character and temparament.
  • Self-discovery and recognition of individual strenghts and weaknesses
  • Self-discovery of indivual personality type and subtypes

2. Increased positive self-management through:

  • Better understanding our individual rates of emotional intelligence
  • Practical and individualised typs to improve emotional intelligence
  • Practial and individualized tips to boost the strenghs and balance the weakneses of individual personality types.

3. Increased positive leadership skills oriented to:

  • Improve understanding of each family member personality types ensuring better levels of emphathy and mutual recognition.
  • Improve communication dynamics between family members by undertanding the tips to better reach and motivate each family according to their personality types.
  • Improve the feeling of unity and the motivation and responsibility of each family member to contribute to the well-being and the general idevelopment  of family love and daily dynamics.

For Teacher

Benefits of the training

1. Increased self-awareness leading to the empowerment of self-confidence, self-esteem and motivation for self- improvement through:

  • Greater understanding of individual character and temparament.
  • Self-discovery and recognition of individual strenghts and weaknesses
  • Self-discovery of indivual personality type and subtypes

2. Increased positive self-management through:

  • Better understanding our individual rates of emotional intelligence
  • Practical and individualised typs to improve emotional intelligence
  • Practial and individualized tips to boost the strenghs and balance the weakneses of individual personality types.

3. Increased positive leadership skills oriented to:

  • Improve understanding of pupils personality types ensuring an educative individualised approach based on the recognition and empowerment of each individual student strenghs.
  • Improve communication dynamics by undertanding the tips to better reach and motivate for good each individual student according to their personality types.
  • Improve communication dynamics between students positively affecting general class performace.

For Profesional teams